Accounting Outsourcing

Total Support Accounting Outsourcing for Lean Management
Professional accounting business group IMP can carry out regular/temporary accounting and bookkeeping work on your behalf. Utilizing know-how accumulated from dedication to more than 30 years of accounting work, the company proposes total accounting outsourcing services including management of business and labor - an approach that differs from simple outsourcing of accounting. We can contribute to the efficiency of your work processes, as well as offering cost reductions and solutions to HR shortages. For large companies, project teams of 4 to 15 highly qualified staff can be dispatched.
For businesses in the start-up phase, we can provide low-cost solutions until the company's performance gets on the right track. Please feel free to contact us.

International Accounting Services
We can provide services as necessary for foreign-affiliated firms, including translation of financial statements, bookkeeping/payroll outsourcing and preparation of financial statements and annual reports. We can also assist with the conversion of your company's data for compliance to IFRS or other accounting standards. Let us help you with complicated international accounting matters.